Bowling News

Bowling News

Take Up A New Hobby!

Crown Green Bowls is enjoyed by many thousands of men, women and children on bowling greens around West Yorkshire and beyond. It's a sport that can be enjoyed by 9 to 90+ year olds. At Outlane we have around 90 bowling members ranging from primary school children to those in their late 80s.

It is a sport that looks quite simple, however you soon learn that, with the bias on your bowls and the camber on the bowling green, there is more to it than meets the eye.

It may look sedentary but many find it good exercise with an average match containing lots of bending, stretching and walking.

We have 15 bowls teams at Outlane competing in various local leagues. These range from teams suitable for novices to join through to teams of more experienced and accomplished players.

We also run many club competitions throughout the summer for our members, with the majority handicapped to encourage beginners and novices to enter. These prove to be very popular and are an ideal way to improve your game and meet other bowlers and club members.

For those who do not wish to compete, bowls can also be enjoyed on a social level with friends and family.

If you would like to discuss taking up the sport or joining our teams at Outlane, our Bowling Chair, Richard Hartley, is happy to advise and encourage you. He can also arrange a free session for you covering the basics of the game. He can be contacted at or on 07500 002583.